The SIBO Turnaround Method™

Eliminate SIBO for good in as little as 90 days when you adopt The 3 Pillar SIBO Elimination System.

No more doctor roulette, restrictive diets or failed attempts!

There’s a reason you haven’t been able to get rid of your SIBO or that it’s come back within the first few months or a year..

The 5 Mistakes NOT to make while Doing a SIBO Diet

Get your FREE Guide:

The SIBO Turnaround Method will help you discover your root cause & teach you positive habits needed to overcome your symptoms for good!!

Have you struggled with frustrating, life altering digestive symptoms and have:

  • had no success after multiple rounds of antibiotics

  • almost given up after seeing all the doctors (doctor, naturopath, gastro etc.) and are STILL dealing with symptoms

  • removed SO many foods you don’t know what to eat anymore

  • had a negative SIBO test only to relapse within a couple weeks or months?

Work with an expert who is actually trained in managing SIBO

Krista has completed the SIBO Mastery Program under leading SIBO Naturopath Dr Nirala Jacobi

Turn Your SIBO Around

Are you someone who’s been diagnosed with SIBO or IBS or are trying to get to the bottom of why you’re experiencing multiple digestive issues like bloating, nausea, pain, irregular bowel movements?

Are you tired of basing your life around your annoying stomach issues and are looking for freedom to enjoy your social life again without restrictions and running to the washroom?

Are you ready to transform your life and finally…

  • Eat out at restaurants without stressing about what’s on the menu

  • Stop worrying about EVERYTHING and feel less overwhelmed

  • Get a good night’s sleep without pain or waking up through the night

  • Stop skipping your workouts due to fatigue, and get your energy back to socialize or play with your kids

  • Feel emotionally strong because your symptoms have disappeared

  • Stop feeling avoidant of sex and intimacy, because you feel AMAZING in your body

  • Have faith and trust in your body again!!

Say GOODBYE to your SIBO diagnosis & debilitating digestive symptoms - so you can feel confident and eat the foods you love (without restriction!) once again…

You don’t have to live like this, forever.

It’s been so long you can’t remember what it feels like to not be constantly bloated, nauseous, embarrassed to be running to the washroom all day long or so full of poop you feel heavy and gross!…..

You’re stuck on a Low FODMAP diet, you’ve tried all the DIY SIBO diets without success and have limited yourself to a handful of safe foods that don’t make you feel like crap

I can help you live a life where you can finally feel confident in your body, fit into your clothes again, don’t have to keep tabs on the closest washroom, wake up feeling energized and can get great sleep because the pain in your stomach is gone

I’ve been there!..and I know how frustrating, embarrassing and isolating it can be. After years of failure and with the help of a  SIBO Specialist, I finally found the perfect combination of nutrition, stress reduction and eating habits to FINALLY get rid of my SIBO AND without relapse within the first year

The SIBO Turnaround Method

Overcoming SIBO for good involves a taking a new approach to what you eat,  the way you eat and mastering stress reduction which plays a critical role in managing SIBO long term

Small changes to lifestyle and diet are the critical step! Keeping with the status quo is what led you to getting SIBO in the first place. It’s important to make positive changes to how you’re living and eating in order to reduce the risk of SIBO coming back

Core Program Pillars

1.Master Your SIBO Nutrition

Nutrition plays an important role in our overall health but is KEY when correcting a gut issue like SIBO or IBS.  What we eat can feed or starve the bacteria and a restricted short term diet is necessary to compliment any antibiotic or herbal antimicrobial protocol. What is often overlooked and forgotten with medical professionals not trained in nutrition is the slow, baby-step approach to re-introducing food as well as monitoring symptoms to understand what your body is telling you. 

In the Master your Nutrition Method you will learn what foods are acceptable and not acceptable in the short, mid and long term during your recovery and how to re-introduce food in a way that won’t overwhelm your digestive system and lead you right back to where you started. By the end of 3 months you’ll be re-introducing many healthy, normal foods again.

Mastering Your Nutrition Includes:

  • A SIBO food list (that actually works!)

  • 3 customized meal plans

  • 1 recipe book to support  you once the 3 months is over

  • A prebiotic food list to support long term healthy gut function

  • Recipes on how to ferment your own foods for probiotics 

How you eat is just as important as what you eat. Our modern way of living has removed us from the traditional, intuitive ways of proper eating, which play a key contributing role in development of digestive issues like IBS & SIBO.  Think eating in front of your computer, while stressed at work, scarfing down meal in the 5 minute break you have between meetings. Eating like this is not going to support your recovery or a sustainable way to eat in the long term.

In the Eating Transformation Process you will learn how to eat to improve and support optimal digestive function. By the end of 3 months you’ll have incorporated the 7 fundamental eating habits that will transform the way you eat for the rest of your life.

2. The Eating Transformation Process

The Eating Transformation Process Includes:

  • An outline and overview of the 7 fundamental eating habits

  • Mindful eating exercise

  • How to deal with bloating practices

  • Supplemental materials on how to navigate food labels, organic vs. conventional foods, how to navigate eating out and on the road with SIBO,

  • Method for monitoring and tracking foods during the re-entry phase 

3. Destress for SIBO Success

You’ve followed all the diets and supplements to a T , exercise intensely almost every day and take on a tonne of responsibility both at work and at home.  Sound familiar?? The missing piece is learning how to navigate your nervous system so you’re not constantly in overdrive. Managing stress can be a huge road block to SIBO recovery and one of the hardest parts is you may not think you’re that stressed when you really are.

In the Destress for SIBO Success Approach you will learn various physical and mental practices  and why they’re effective for relaxing your nervous system and mindset hacks to overcome SIBO, which are all critical to future relapse. By the end of 3 months you will have a stress reduction routine in place, be able to recognize when your body is stressed and how to shift it into a relaxed state and mindset . 

Destress for SIBO Success Includes:

  • Mental & physical stress reduction routine

  • Customized gratitude journal

  • Stress reduction routine creation and tips 

  • Self love exercise

Not sure if you have SIBO?? We offer testing prior to program commitment

*you must book a free discovery call prior to test kits being ordered

What’s included.

Bi-weekly sessions

The program gets you access to 1-on-1 coaching sessions every two weeks. These sessions are designed to review your achievements and challenges, learn about new SIBO topics and set goals for the next session.

Personalized Meal Plans

The hardest part about any corrective diet is thinking of what to eat! You’ll receive personalized, creative and delicious meal plans that follow the SIBO diet. I remove food stress so you don’t have to worry about what to eat.

Daily Email and Text Support

Navigating a corrective diet and it’s symptoms can be frustrating, scary and isolating as it’s a new experience for you. Minimize your anxiety and feel more relaxed and confident knowing you have someone supporting you every step of the way!

  • I'm actually excited to eat again!...

    “After Spending a month on a super restrictive diet, all it did was make me hate eating. I wasn’t making creative meals, I was just eating within my restrictions to get calories. Thanks to Krista, I’m so excited to eat again! Her meal plans are safe, nutritious and ENJOYABLE!!! I’m only a couple days in and loving it.”

  • Awesome SIBO meals!...

    “I've just started flipping through the meal plan. What awesome ideas. This is genuinely pretty life-changing. I'm excited to eat again for the first time since starting this. Thank you!!!!”

  • " She is on top of the latest SIBO research"

    I want to say "Kudos" to Krista. As I have caught up on SIBO and IMO, I am glad that Cheryl (my client) is under her care. She is on top of the latest and I plan to refer other patients to her in the future, when I can.

The program significantly reduces your meal stress with customized meal plans for each stage of food re-entry and makes sure that you’re eating the right type and sufficient food to avoid significant weight loss


  1. Register and book an available time on Practice Better

  2. We meet for 20 minutes to discuss and answer any of your questions about the program

  3. SIBO Symptom Relief Essentials Toolkit is sent to get you started

  4. We start the onboarding process

How to Enroll

Click the button below to book a FREE discovery call

Do you really want to spend YEARS on a restricted diet? You were designed to ENJOY what you eat and actually feel good eating it! You CAN and DESRVE to live an energized life eating the foods you want, without pain or bloating and regular bowel movements.

Let me show you how….


It’s a big investment…

You can’t put a price tag on your health!  SIBO isn’t something you want to live forever with and leaving it untreated can cause more damage in the long run. YOU ARE WORH IT. Your body deserves this There’s a monthly payment plan option to help make the cost more manageable.

3 months seems like a long time...

SIBO is likely something that developed over months or years which means it will take some time to reverse.  Our bodies are complex and take time to recover so 3 months is the minimum amount of time needed to get the bacteria under control and have things back to working order. 

I haven’t heard of you and there are so many alternatives, why choose you?

Through my own experience trying to overcome SIBO for more than 3 years I realized that there was a huge gap missing in how doctor’s help patients treat this condition.  Protocol’s are given with antibiotics, antimicrobials and a handout on diet, but the timing of testing is incorrect,  there’s no guidance is given on how long to eat the foods for, how to re-introduce foods in a way that doesn’t overwhelm the digestive system and proper eating habits to avoid relapse. Without these critical pieces SIBO can be difficult to get rid of or the likelihood of it returning is high.  My program is unique in that it combines nutritional support, transformation of eating habits and effective stress reduction methods to complement your antibiotics or anti-microbials so you can overcome SIBO for good.

I don’t think I can do the diet...

Yes you can! The program helps to improve your mindset so you believe in yourself and can overcome whatever you put your mind to. The diet is only done for 3 months which if you compare this to the many years you live in your life, 3 months really isn’t that much. Also, the meals I have created are tasty and satisfying and won’t leave you feeling deprived.

I have too much going on in my life right now to commit...

Life is busy and stressful, but these are exactly the conditions that helped you to develop SIBO and may be making your symptoms worse.  The program’s Destress for SIBO Success Approach will help teach you how to manage stress, reduce overwhelm and help you cultivate calm in your life. This is also a valuable tool for long term health and to avoid relapse. 

Can I work with you if I live outside of Canada?

Currently only Canadians but this option will be coming soon! Join my international wait list by emailing and letting me know you’d like to join the wait list.


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